Open Sky Qigong

Open Sky Qigong is a form of Medical Qigong, this lineage has been taught to me by Marg Wyatt and Genevieve Roche of Melbourne.

For information on the Open Sky Qigong Website, please visit …

A gentle form of movement based on the meridian system of Asian Medicine Traditions, the movements are designed to open up the pathways of Qi (Energy) to facilitate its movement through the organs and meridians of the body. There is much information on the Open Sky Qigong Website including lists of practitioners and classes in different locations as well as regular workshops. During the pandemic, many classes became available on Zoom, and now there are a variety of in person and online classes to choose from. Facilitators also offer private classes to enable a specific focus for individuals.

In 2022, I started offering a class on site at Grampians Paradise Camping and Caravan Parkland/Innerji Sound and Massage. These classes continue throughout the year, following the Terms of the Open Sky Qigong Calendar. In 2024 I am offering a class on Mondays at 11am and Fridays at 11am. Occasionally due to wet weather or due to travel, classes may be held by Zoom, please contact Nessa in advance of any class to book and check details.