Kahuna Massage

Kahuna Massage has been the most incredible addition to the therapies I practice, as well as having been a huge blessing in terms of receiving incredible treatments from other Kahuna Massage Therapists.

The techniques are traditionally learned through an apprenticeship with a Kahuna, and historically it would be years before an apprentice was considered to be ready to place their hands on the body that was being treated. My apprenticeship started in 2006 with Heartworks Lomi Lomi and then in late 2012 when I attended the first Kahuna Level 1/2 Practitioner Training. Since then I attended another Level 1/2 training with my husband Aidan in 2013, Level 3 late in 2013, Level 4 in 2014, Level 5 in 2015, Level 6 and 7 in 2016. Each has been an incredible journey for me both personally and as a practitioner, and each time I bring home new and refreshed skills and understandings. I look forward to each visit to the Ohana (family) at High Spirits and to gathering with other Kahuna Therapists.

For more information about Kahuna Massage and Mette Sorenson, the amazing lady who established High Spirits Retreat a video is included.
